
On decentralization and openness

Lately, I’ve given a lot of thought to the way the web is going. I’m not the only one. I’m no dinosaur (though not far off at this point), but I’m old enough to remember a web where users would routinely claim a bit of real estate and create something unique with it. Sites like Geocities and Angelfire democratized the webpage creation process to a point where just about anyone motivated enough to learn a bit of HTML could create something with it.

Applying Principles of FP to Other Languages

This is a brain dump of principles I learned from Haskell that can be applied to most modern programming languages. The examples use PHP, and this is written from the point of view of a developer working at Turbulent.

On the importance of freedom of choice in frameworks

Whenever you enter someone else’s private home, it is generally accepted that you must adopt that person’s customs. If the person tells you to take off your shoes, you should do so. You don’t throw your coat on the sofa unless the person explicitly tells you that it is okay. If the person is having you for dinner, you let the person choose what you will be eating, since he or she will be the one to cook it.

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